Jim Bakker Says "Trump is a Test Whether You are Even Saved"
"Only saved people can love Trump," Bakker told his TV audience in an episode of “The Jim Bakker Show” that aired last Monday.
Jim Bakker is a false prophet best known for a sexual assault scandal surrounding his secretary, Jessica Hahn and for his financial scandals surrounding his now-defunct Heritage USA theme park in South Carolina. After spending time in prison on fraud convictions, Bakker has re-emerged in the charismatic New Apostolic Reformation as a right-wing political charlatan who bilks political conservatives on their fears of economic and social collapse.
Since then, Bakker has been known to make outlandish comments equating the current president, Donald Trump to deity. From selling buckets of pizza in the Ozarks to prophesying that Christians will be murdered if Donald Trump isn't re-elected, Bakker's outlandish claims are a snare to thousands, perhaps millions of people.
Now, Bakker has asserted that "only Christians can love Trump," drawing applause from his audience, "No. You gotta really be saved. You gotta forgive. You forgive when you’re saved." The comments came after shilling for his guest, Robert Henderson's book titled Praying for the Prophetic Destiny of the United States and the Presidency of Donald J. Trump from the Courts of Heaven.
Interestingly, Bakker's comments are self-defeating since he loves Donald Trump and he isn't saved -- and that's based on Matthew 7:16.
"You know what? Trump is a test whether you are even saved," he says in the video below. Watch.
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