Jim Bakker Claims Christians Will Be Murdered if Trump Not Re-Elected
Jim Bakker has a ton of survival food slop-buckets to sell at his Branson, Missouri headquarters. His retirement community and prepper compound is tax-exempt, and by offering non-perishable food as a "gift" in exchange for an offering to his "charitable religious organization," he can undercut other doomsday merchants on price (by avoiding taxes). Always looking for a way to frighten the Senior Citizens who patronize his program and keep him flush with cash, Bakker recently claimed that Christians would die in the streets if Trump isn't re-elected.
Earlier today, Bakker said on his broadcast, "I'm going to say something I probably shouldn't say. What's coming next, if we keep losing, you're going to see the leaders of the church and the leaders of the gospel and the political conservative leaders that are powerful, you are going to see them suddenly die, suddenly killed - suddenly as they were driving, suddenly as they were in a boat, suddenly in an airplane - you're going to see it one after another."
Bakker was alleging that some kind of Deep State assassins were going to start taking out believers and conservatives, and making it look like accidents.
As always when producing a brand new prophecy, Bakker claimed God "spoke it" to him years ago, but he's just now getting around to sharing it.
“God spoke this to me years ago," Bakker said, "what would happen near the end and I believe we’re in that time. This is life and death. This is the hatred of murder is in the country.”
You can watch the video below.
By the way, when you listen to the applause on the Jim Bakker program, please know that it's added as a sound effect. There's only about two dozen people in his audience. The man is a scam, from start to finish.