JD Greear Denounces Southern Baptists as Racists, White Supremacists
The Southern Baptist Convention has been on serious theological decline for quite some time. But the downgrade really picked up speed in 2014 when Russell Moore, a Democrat, took over as head of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and started pushing his leftist agenda. From open borders to Critical Race Theory, Russell Moore has infected every corner of the Southern Baptist Convention with his spiritual poison, making turning the denomination into a political action committee rather than a responsible keeper of biblical truth.
Moore's ideology has infected the leadership at every level, including the denomination's president, JD Greear. Greear, like most denominational leaders, are not leaders but simply "yes men" to the agenda. Conservatives have been purged and most have been denounced as "racists" or "misogynists" to some degree.
Greear, like any good Southern Baptist leader, has once again denounced Southern Baptists as racists and white supremacists.
Greear, citing one of the denomination's dozens of resolutions denouncing white supremacy, claims that white supremacy is still alive and well in the denomination because Southern Baptists still refuse to "condemn" it. Of course, that is false and Greear's rhetoric is reflective of his poor and divisive leadership that serves to do nothing but incite more racial hatred. His, and other leaders, obsession with racial issues is likely far more reflective of their own hearts than the typical Southern Baptist layperson. Most Southern Baptists desire unity with others, but simply cannot do so when the leadership continues to lie.
Interestingly, but not really, is that these same leaders refuse to criticize those who refuse to condemn the violence and racial hatred of Black Lives Matter and Antifa. The bottom line is that these leftists are the racists, and they -- along with those who refuse to condemn them -- are the only ones stirring up racial division.