Jackie Hill Perry, Rick Warren, Join Up to Promote "Coptic Mother Theresa" Worldview
In May, Arlington, VA hosted the annual event, Wilberforce Weekend, which paraded a number of social justice warriors from a myriad of denominations across the stage for the sole purpose of advancing the secular cause of social justice in the name of Christianity. The event, touted as "an incredible lineup of speakers," posed the question, "Is Christianity still good for the world?" Of this "incredible lineup of speakers" was The Gospel Coalition's very own Jackie Hill Perry and prominent Southern Baptist pastor, Rick Warren.
The event is highly ecumenical and doesn't differentiate between Christianity, Roman Catholicism, or any other sect of Christendom. In this case, the annual social justice award was given to a Coptic woman whom they coined the name, "Coptic Mother Theresa." According to their website,
This year, an incredible lineup of speakers will lead us in answering a question many have about our faith: “Is Christianity still good for the world?”
But the best answer we will offer may be the life of our 2019 William Wilberforce Award winner.
This year the Colson Center honors “Mama” Maggie Gobran, also known as the Coptic Mother Theresa. After giving up a jet-setting lifestyle, Mama Maggie has devoted the last 30 years of her life to bringing hope, help, and healing to the thousands of families living in Cairo’s garbage slums.
While it comes as no surprise that two of Evangelicalism's most compromised public speakers would, once again, compromise the gospel for the sake of "social justice" advancement, one must ask the sincere question, "is Jackie Hill Perry -- or any of these compromised professors of Christ -- still good for the world?" The answer to this question is a resounding "NO," as Jackie Hill Perry, Rick Warren, and all the other social justice warriors of the Evangelical left are thoroughly documented in their compromise of the gospel.
Jackie Hill Perry is known for her inability to distinguish true Christianity from false, compromised sects from faithful, etc.