There’s a cabal of evangelical leftists parading around as champions of compassion—valiant knights charging into battle against the cold-hearted, unfeeling forces that dare to suggest a sovereign nation not only has the right but the duty to control its own borders.
But strip away the layers of sanctimonious grandstanding, and what do you find?
A class of people so consumed with their hatred—for capitalism, for America, for order itself—that they are more than willing to sacrifice innocent women and children on the altar of their seething resentment for you.
And—if I could borrow from the sentiment of a former Southern Baptist seminary’s resident animal welfare activist for a moment—the Laken Rileys of the world be damned.
For years, the Biden administration—and plenty before him—have funneled billions in taxpayer dollars into mass immigration organizations like World Relief, all under the mask of "humanitarianism." These NGOs, in name only, are nothing more than government-funded pipelines designed to flood American cities with unvetted illegal aliens.
But then Trump happened…again…and with a single executive order, he turned off the spigot. No more blank checks. No more taxpayer subsidies propping up a racket disguised as charity. Suddenly, World Relief and its many clones had to depend on actual charitable donations instead of government handouts.
And just like that, they panicked.