I Bet You Didn't Know the Federal Government Has Been Funding Revoice, the "Gay Christian" Ministry
I previously wrote to you demonstrating how the Democrat-backed federal government has been laundering money through USAID and other taxpayer-funded slush funds, funneling it into the hands of anti-American, anti-conservative faux Christian ministries like The After Party.
But there’s more—oh, there’s always more when it comes to the left’s unrelenting war on the church. If you thought the scheme to weaken evangelical political influence ended with Curtis Chang’s laughable After Party, buckle up. Because today, we’re exposing yet another fraud, another deception, another grotesque misuse of your hard-earned tax dollars. And this time, the poison is called Revoice.
Ask yourselves: why would the federal government have any interest in funding so-called "ministries" that promote homosexuality within evangelical churches? Is Washington suddenly full of devout believers desperate to see biblical teaching flourish? Or could it be something far more sinister?
Could it be that the left has realized that the easiest way to dismantle the church as a force for moral clarity is to rot it from the inside out? What better way to neuter the last remaining fortification against the left’s wicked agenda than to subsidize movements that fundamentally redefine sin itself?
Enter Revoice, the "gay Christian" brainchild of Nate Collins—a man whose radical ideas on gender and sexuality were incubated at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (yes, SBTS—the very institution that claims to be a conservative institution).
Collins, armed with a dissertation titled "Virgin as Secondary Gender Identity in 1 Corinthians 7 and Its Jewish and Greco-Roman Background", managed to convince the seminary, Jarvis Williams, Tom Schreiner, and even Al Mohler, to approve a thesis that essentially argues for a third gender category in biblical thought.
This is queer theory, not theology. This is progressive social engineering wrapped in church-speak, and it was birthed within a so-called conservative institution.
But Collins wasn’t content with just warping biblical teaching within academia—he took his ideology mainstream with Revoice, a movement designed to infiltrate evangelical churches—not progressive mainline Protestant churches, but Southern Baptist churches, Presbyterian (PCA) churches, Reformed churches—with the duplicitous lie that homosexuality, though technically sinful, should be embraced as an immutable identity rather than repented of and mortified.
Collins, along with his cohorts at other ministries like Preston Sprinkle’s “Center for Sexuality,” don’t just advocate for celibacy among “gay Christians”—they push the idea that one's sexual orientation should be embraced as a God-given, unchangeable part of their personhood.