By Don Boys, Ph.D.
A few years ago, I thought a racist was a person—black, white, or polka dot—who disliked someone of another race because they were of another race. Of course, that’s hardly their fault. However, from the major media, it seems I have been wrong all along. It seems Blacks cannot be racists, and whites are always racists —because they were born into whiteness.
Racism is the blackjack used in an attempt to beat Whites and Conservative Blacks (called Uncle Toms by black racists) into submission. Black fanatics seeking an audience, advancement, and an advantage, usually look through rage-colored glasses. Moreover, I have been convinced in recent years that Black leaders are America’s most irresponsible, insincere, and inept people. They have surrendered any modicum of honesty to the god of wokeism. They will say anything, take any position, and support any person without consideration for their courage or cowardice, compassion or cruelty, facts or fantasy, or honor or hokum.
And white politicians, pundits, preachers, professors, and the press with enormous influence are too gutless to condemn their insanity and, in some cases, their insincerity.
Martin Luther King’s 1967 “The Other America” speech at Stanford University was two years after California and Harlem’s race riots. King vainly tried to explain the cause of rioting and looting to his mainly white audience. He said, “A riot is the language of the unheard.” No, rioting, looting, and burning are the results of destructive, devious, and demented minds and cannot be justified. King was not ridiculed for such a stupid statement because of his special status.
It is time for Blacks to look at where they are in America—not in bondage, not on a plantation, not second class but in the best situation they have ever been. They are free and have more prestige, power, possessions, property, and presence than at any time in their history. Many Blacks are in far better circumstances than ordinary white people. However, the rhetoric of their leaders does not indicate that reality.
Instead, many black leaders pretend Blacks live on an antebellum plantation waiting hand and foot on a vile, vicious, and violent Simon Legree. While chattel slavery can never be justified, all slave owners were not so stupid as to kill those who did their plantation work. All Blacks are not heroes, nor are all Whites zeros.
History is full of dishonest, dishonorable, and devious Blacks that were charlatans—and worse.
LeRoi Jones declared, “they [Whites] owe us everything, including their lives.” It is astounding that anyone, especially Blacks, would consider that dude an icon of black history. However, Blacks are very careless and seem to support almost any popular Black, no matter how vile, vicious, or violent they are.