In contemporary society, women value their autonomy and self-reliance. A majority of women in today's secular world view reliance on men as detrimental and feel it diminishes their worth. This collective mindset in modern women contributes to the rise of men impersonating women and dominating women's sports while women remain silent. In this, women face a dilemma—they can either acknowledge this situation and concede the advantages to these men, or voice opposition, which would be an open acknowledgment of women's perceived vulnerability.
Regrettably, this prevalent mentality, originating from secular feminism, has permeated the Church. Even Christian women resist submitting to the authority and direction of their husbands and male leadership within their congregations. As a growing trend in contemporary churches, women have forged their own path by leading other women, authoring books, and preaching to other women, in a manner entirely detached from the Church.
And it isn't that women are somehow less valuable, less intelligent, or less capable of carrying out the mission of God within the Church that should trouble us, it's that God didn't design the Church to function this way. And more importantly, this represents a failure in men to carry out their God-given roles as spiritual leaders—and this makes women especially vulnerable to being devoured by false teachers.
Wolves love to prey on women. This observation does not imply that women are less intelligent. However, as designed by God for their unique roles, women may exhibit a particular susceptibility to some false teachings, as they tend to be more emotionally-driven in general. This perspective aligns with a biblical understanding of gender roles where women are described in relation to their husbands as the "weaker vessel."
The phrase "weaker vessel" is found in the Bible in 1 Peter 3:7 (ESV): "Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered." This passage speaks to the importance of husbands treating their wives with understanding, acknowledging their unique roles and differences, and allowing them to carry out their roles under his protective shield.