Hillsong Depicts One Of the Three Wisemen as a Woman in Christmas Production
Hillsong is known for its lavish luxury carnal mindset and its music productions rival anything from Hollywood or Broadway. It's a prosperity cult that masquerades as a church but attracts the world instead of Christians.
In our article, Why Hillsong Music is Dangerous for Your Church, we explain how the CEO of Hillsong, Brian Houston, attempts to use their music program to build an empire that he basically sits on top of. He “sees” a large, global church centered around worldly culture and music, with the purpose of influencing the world with his watered down, substanceless version of Christianity–and he claims his “vision” is from God.
Apparently, that vision includes gender ideology.
Hillsong NYC pastor, Carl Lentz already told CNN that he and the church were open to accepting homosexuals at some point and the lead pastor, Brian Houston says Christians shouldn't judge gays.
In the video below, Salt and Light exposes Hillsong's latest attempt to blur the lines between sexuality and gender by depicting one of the Wisemen as a woman in a Christmas production.