Greg Smith Challenges Cody Libolt to Public Debate on Presuppositionalism, Will He Accept?
I am hereby issuing a formal challenge to Cody Libolt. A young man who seems to fancy himself beyond all challenge and dispute. Who makes bold proclamations, oftentimes explicitly disparaging the intelligence, and sometimes by implication, the commitment to biblical truth, of anybody who would dare to question him and his proclamations.
My hope is that he and I can continue the discussion that began in the comment thread HERE.
My brother has plenty of time and energy to gallivant about the web blasting people like me, so in the name of Christian honor, one would assume that he also has the time and energy to meet a challenge from his Pulpit Bunker colleague who has for over 30 years held the position he so sneeringly rejects.
I will be forced to consider a refusal for any reason to be cowardice. When a man conducts himself as he has, and does, and then runs, bans and blocks when challenged, no other conclusion is possible.
I hasten to clarify, there is absolutely no personal animus involved in this for me whatsoever. This is purely about growing in understanding of and faithfulness to the truth as it is in Christ Jesus.
If Cody can demonstrate my error he will have my eternal gratitude and I will stand publicly corrected on my own Facebook page and in any group he wishes.
So little brother. Step up and let's talk like a couple grown ups both of whom wish only for the glory of the Lord.
As per our previous discussion: As a Christian man, a reformed Christian man, why does 1+1=2? Please note, the question is WHY is this the case?