Gay Activists Now Calling for a Ban on Prayer for Gay Conversion, Calling it “Hate Prayer”
REFORMATION CHARLOTTE ( -- This is how the militant LGBTQ mafia works. True Bible-believing Christians do not support, condone, or affirm homosexuality in any way. The Bible calls people to repent of all sexual immorality and to turn to Christ. Yet, the LGBTQ mafia is devoted to turning the Church away from Biblical teaching and toward full affirmation and inclusion of homosexuality. Why? So that they can deaden their consciences against the tormenting sound of God’s Word who they know they must answer to for their sin sooner or later.
After a decade-long struggle and ultimately losing the battle against gay activists for the right to seek therapy for those dealing with unwanted same-sex attractions, gay activists are now calling for a ban on prayer. Christianity’s influence in culture is clearly losing ground.
Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner, a member of the Ozanne Foundation–which compares Christians to “rapists” for upholding a traditional, biblical sexual ethic–says we need to ban all forms of “hate prayer” along with “hate preaching” and “hate speech.”