Federal Appeals Judge Rules Parents Can't Opt Children Out of Sexualized LGBTQ Propaganda in Public Schools
Anyone needing another reason to abandon all hope in a political savior, here's one: a federal judge has now ruled that Christian parents cannot opt their children out of LGBTQ lessons in public schools. For now, the ruling applies to Maryland parents, but unless the Supreme Court overturns this ruling, precedent will be set in every state.
The curriculum being forced upon Kindergarten-aged children includes books and lessons promoting transgenderism, drag queens, and alternative family structures as normal and acceptable. These lessons are designed to introduce very young children to complex and controversial topics, often without parental knowledge or consent.
The dispute began in March when Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) approved 22 “LGBTQ+ inclusive texts” for grades pre-K through 8. Parents were informed that starting next year, “no notice will be given and no opt-outs tolerated because their kids must learn to be more ‘LGBTQ-Inclusive.’”
The parents, represented by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, noted in their suit that “Maryland law and the School Board’s own policies require parental notice and opportunity to opt out of any instruction concerning ‘family life and human sexuality.’” However, on March 23, MCPS reversed its previous position of allowing parents to opt out by categorizing the LGBT-themed books as “inclusive” and not sexual in nature.
One of the books approved for pre-K, according to one report, entitled “Pride Puppy,” invites three- and four-year-olds to look for images of things they might find at a pride parade, including an “intersex [flag],” a “drag king” and “drag queen,” “leather,” “underwear,” and an image of a celebrated LGBTQ activist and sex worker, “Marsha P. Johnson.” Pre-K teachers assigned to read the book are provided a resource guide from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) for “defining LGBTQ+ words for elementary students.”
According to the report, another book, “Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope,” depicts a mother telling her daughter who expresses interest in being a boy that “today you’re my teacher.” The lawsuit notes that the book “advocates a child-knows-best approach to gender transitioning,” telling students that a decision to transition doesn’t have to “make sense” and that students are the best “teacher” on such matters, not parents or other adults.
This decision, handed down by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, is a reminder that the world's system is increasingly antagonistic toward Christians. Despite the efforts of thousands of parents and the glaring superciliousness of the ruling, the court has determined that parents have no right to shield their children from indoctrination that conflicts with their religious beliefs. This is not merely a local skirmish but a broader battle that reveals the relentless encroachment of secular creeds into the most sacred territories of faith and family.
Judge G. Steven Agee's decision, which dismissed the parents' claims for "lack of evidence," is spellbinding in its disregard for religious liberty. The federal lawsuit, brought forth by a coalition of Christian and Muslim parents, sought to protect their children from being force-fed a curriculum that promotes ideas fundamentally opposed to their faith. Yet, the court's response was a resounding endorsement of the very doctrines these parents find objectionable.
The ruling is more than a legal defeat—it's ultimately a call for Christians to realize that our ultimate hope cannot rest in the decrees of human institutions or superficial alliances with members of false religions—be it Judaism, Catholicism, or Islam. Governments and courts, in their lofty…
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