Fact Check: Why Does Jemar Tisby Lie So Much?
Jemar Tisby is one of the leading agitators of the modern racial division in Evangelical churches in America. He regularly incites hatred and division between blacks and whites by indicting all white people with the inherent guilt of former white American slave owners simply by the virtue of the color of their skin and insisting that all white people are obligated to self-atone for their inherent sin through various and unending reparative acts.
Tisby is an idolater of skin color. Sadly, he remains a slave to his identity in ethnicity and has been unable to find his way off the woke plantation despite multiple pleadings to flee. He is the epitome of self-oppression. There, he finds security and comfort and he, along with his colleagues at his organization, The Witness, will do practically anything to convince themselves to remain under its authority, including lying.
A while back, Tisby accused white Christians of "trotting out black people" to "parrot their talking points." Arguing that "Christian nationalists" -- meaning white, conservative Christians -- are responsible for putting the "Critical Race Theory" label on black Christians who advocate for Marxism. He argues that black Christians -- the ones who push the fundamentals of cultural Marxism and cloak in in Christian language -- aren't actually pushing Critical Race Theory despite the fact that they are. Tisby lies and, of course, blames that label on white people.
Tisby's most recent lie, however, is far more blatant and obvious and exposes something about the "woke church" movement -- they don't care about facts, they are after complete and total subjugation of conservatives. His lie, that the Southern Baptist Convention has not condemned "Christian nationalism."
Understand that to Jemar Tisby and his ilk, the following terms overlap:
Christian Nationalism
White Nationalism
White Supremacy
Trump Supporter
To them, if you're any of these things, you're all of them. Recently, several leaders of Southern Baptist Convention seminaries came together to denounce Critical Race Theory, a Marxist movement that has been plaguing the denomination for several years since Russell Moore took office in the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. As the ideology has served to cause serious division in the denomination, much across racial lines, finally, a few saw that it was necessary to turn down the heat on the boiling pot. While the move was needed, it simply isn't enough and leaves the door open for seminary professors -- like Jarvis Williams and Matthew Hall -- to continue to propagate the poison.
However, and Jemar Tisby knows this, the Southern Baptist Convention has not only condemned "Christian nationalism," it his done so multiple times through multiple resolutions.
FACT: The Southern Baptist Convention in 2017 voted on a resolution condemning Christian nationalism and white supremacy. The resolution reads, in part:
WHEREAS, Racism and white supremacy are, sadly, not extinct but present all over the world in various
white supremacist movements, sometimes known as “white nationalism” or “alt-right”; now, therefore, be
RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in Phoenix, Arizona,
June 13–14, 2017, decry every form of racism, including alt-right white supremacy, as antithetical to the
Gospel of Jesus Christ; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we denounce and repudiate white supremacy and every form of racial and ethnic
hatred as of the devil; and be it further
Keep in mind that the Southern Baptist Convention has officially denounced racism and apologized for its previous sentiments on slavery numerous times, including in:
1978 Resolution On Racism
1989 Resolution On Racism
1995 Resolution On Racial Reconciliation On The 150th Anniversary Of The Southern Baptist Convention
2016 On Sensitivity And Unity Regarding The Confederate Battle Flag
2018 On Renouncing The Doctrine Of The “curse Of Ham” As A Justification For Racism
2019 On Critical Race Theory And Intersectionality (a resolution actually supporting CRT/I)
And the only reason there wasn't a resolution condemning some version of white-on-black racism in 2020 is that there was no convention meeting in 2020. But, you can rest assured that, in 2021, the anti-racism resolution committees will be out in full force.
Jemar Tisby knows that the Southern Baptist Convention has been nothing but a broken record of racism condemnations. But Jemar Tisby is a liar, a deceiver, and a an enemy of the Church and humanity.