Ellen Says Parents Don't Love Their Children Unconditionally Unless They Let Them Have a Sex Change
You may be wondering why we care about what Ellen DeGeneres thinks about anything. Well, apparently, Ellen's influence in the Christian community is much further-reaching than one would think. Last year, Ellen hosted one of the most popular Christian music artists of today on her show, gave her a Satanic gaze, and then dared her to call homosexuality a sin -- and she, Lauren Daigle, complied. In fact, she even went on to renounce herself as a Christian artist after that.
This same Ellen seems to have reached her tentacles into every facet of conservative society that she possibly can. An now, she forcibly insists that parents who don't support their children's gender transition and sex change operations don't love their children unconditionally.
Of course that's what she'd say. She's a lesbian. She's sexually aberrant. But, somehow, she has the hearts and minds of conservatives -- even Christians -- from all over the world in the grips of her God-hating teeth.
Big League Politics reports that "Degeneres made the despicable comment while talking with [Gabreielle] Union about how great her parenting is for harboring their son’s gender-bending delusions,"
ELLEN DEGENERES: He was on the show recently and talking about your daughter, Zaya, and her transition. And it’s like, I know this is silly to say because, you know, who doesn’t love their children unconditionally, but I guess a lot of people don’t. But it’s so amazing how supportive you’ve both been.
GABRIELLE UNION: Yeah, I mean, to us, it’s a little odd to get any kind of recognition for doing what, you know, you are supposed to do, which is love and accept and embrace your kids. So it’s odd to get recognition for that. But unfortunately there are so many people who just don’t. They just don’t. And so many people who really truly feel like their kids are disposable. If they’re not perfect images of them, they aren’t interested. And it’s heartbreaking. So for us, we are just doing what’s natural to us and loving her. There she is! There is our girl. Yeah, we just want happy, healthy, you know, compassionate kids.
ELLEN: Zaya is very, very lucky to have both of you as parents and it is unfortunate that a lot of people have children thinking they can mold them and make them who they want them to be and have a certain idea of what they are supposed to turn out like. But they all turn out different.