Drag Queen Teaches Children to Twerk at Public Library
We've been pointing out for several months that the infamous Drag Queen Story Hour hosted by public libraries around the country is filled with morally repugnant perverts intent on indoctrinating children into the sexual revolution. Grasping at young children for their own sexual gratification, many of the drag queens who participate in these events have former charges and even convictions of sexual predation. Why this is allowed to continue is evident of the judgment of God that America is under -- Romans 1 states that a rebellious people are given over to their perverted sexual desires.
The sickness isn't limited to America, however, it is happening all over the world. One more piece of the story to add to the continuing onslaught of parents handing their children over to perverts is revealed. In one Drag Queen Story Time in the United Kingdom, a drag queen is teaching children how to "twerk" -- that is a movement of shaking your rear-end in a sexually-enticing way.
See the outrageous video below: