Dear Trump Haters: Anyone Can See Past the Self-Righteous Thunder
by D.L. Parker
If memory lane was an actual road, it would look more like a state road than anything else—where getting from point to point would be long, dull, and relatively cumbersome, the same method to remind someone the mistakes painful memories bring. Were today’s Christians keen on their memories, self-righteous thunderclaps would never be the norm.
However, no such thing happens.
The moderates, which ran for presidency several times since ’96—Dole, Bush, McCain, Romney, Rubio, Kasich, Bush, Christie, Fiorina, Santorum—all had the right things going for them: smooth lips, kind words, good looks, political experiences, sound families, and marital fidelity. After all, who does not want to elect another Bill Clinton into the White House and take a smashing trip to Little Saint James? These, of course, are the precise traits to prevent another White House Investigation.
Despite the right personal qualities, these candidates had a few tale-telling features.
Dole lost the election to the Clintons in ’96, while Bush won two terms.
Apart from the quagmire of September 11th, Bush not only cost the GOP its majority, but also quietly resides at his ranch to taking up painting as a political hobby—akin to Jim Carrey.
McCain, who kept insisting he was true face of the GOP, ripped into the Evangelical base by calling out two prominent leaders—Pat Robertson & Jerry Falwell for extreme (read: fascist) sector of the party. Even though prominent reforms were on the table when the GOP had its chance, one can count on him to cast no vote.
As Pierre Delecto, Mitt Romney voted to remove President Trump from office, after hiding as a losing candidate from the 2012 election. This goes without the honorable flip-flops he shelled out along the way because he refuses to admit he’s a moderate with progressive leaning views.
Meanwhile, Bush (Jeb!) & Rubio held onto their endless immigration stances while Chris Christie enjoyed himself at the beach.
All this to say that despite Rick Santorum caving to the culture, both Fiorina & Kasich endorse Biden.
Does any of that ring a bell?
But today’s ire is not about them—God, No! The real problem is with Jerry Falwell, Jr. heir to the Evangelical Top 500 fortune.
Despite serving as a typical GOP supporter, like his father was back in the day, the real problem is that he has earned a hatred for his unwavering support for Donald J. Trump since 2016. In fact, his support incited a political spat with Michael Farris—president of Patrick Henry College. Even though political candidates remain problematic for evangelicals, scrutiny has remained absent from Falwell’s desk because none of these problems loomed around his moral posturing.
Not until he was caught with his pants unzipped.
Of course, the pouring of indignation and condemnation has not ceased in this political climate—as one GOP member of congress called for his immediate resignation—this has been used to demonize the Trump train. As one of my Facebook friends has put it, ‘if you’re an ardent Trump supporter, there’s still a line.’ Hoping ‘for the president to chime in’ because in his honest opinion, Falwell ‘should be gone.’ Even though the photo suggested (humorously) pregnancy has its moments, as this picture was taken with a staffer, evangelicals equate this as being one of Epstein’s personal pilots with Clinton onboard.
Let’s have some popcorn!
Even though Falwell has apologized and took a sabbatical, this is NOT about the pictures on Instagram.
Don’t be fooled.
Because Christian support of Trump has not wavered, some took a nosedive on politics and became progressive or independent—after all no sane person could, would, or should support for Trump.
Ranging from his basic wording & rhetoric, to all the other misquotes, side-steps, and legal things Trump could do and has done, this all point to his disqualifications for office legitimacy.
Regardless if there could or could not be any form of truth to the matter—to the Trump haters base—it’s more important for him to be remain out of office until some other smooth talking, martially faithful man can be admitted to the White House, especially if he can ease tensions with words which taste like candied fruits.
Never mind Trump’s attempts to curry favor with the voting bases—even his foes, it’s more important to find someone who’s capable to ease tensions with candied flavors using the dignified incompetence method.
Would Bush do the same for his adversaries?
Would Santorum stand up to the dishonest activists who call themselves objective journalists?
Would McCain attempt to recall the relentless attacks by the mainstream media for every GOP victory since Regan ran for office?
Would Pierre Delecto please stand up?
Even though Evangelicals should (generally) know better about their political histories for the past thirty years, it seems all like yesterday when someone equipped Christians with this advice:
“I have to confess that I have lost patience with people who seek to batter other believers into accepting their views about this election. There are many who feel compelled by conscience to vote…because the alternative is so frightful to consider. There are others, not as many (but very vociferous) who think that voting for the lesser of two evils is a grievous sin. Here is my statement to both camps. Leave each other alone.”
Although this sounds rather familiar to every election cycle, I want to point out this message is distinctively special, especially since Christians are prone to remember the words but forget the original quote.
For those wondering of its origins, look no further to Michael Farris, famed Trump Hater and critic extraordinaire. Rather than abiding his advice for 2012 voters, he’s spent more time condemning every person who dares support him up to and through the first few years of Trump as president.
Even though there is no certainty he has changed his stances significantly—no Trump endorsement has emerged since his spats in 2016—one cannot imagine him recusing himself from commenting on the so-called downfall of Jerry Falwell, Jr. Ever since he has come in with his strong disagreements with Trump, it would not be a surprise he would use this moment to hamper down the enthusiasm.
Of course, if Harris was vociferously supportive of Trump, then there would be some form of defense of Falwell Jr. during times of need.