David Platt Says You Should Leave His Church if You Oppose People Supporting Pro-Abortion Candidates
David Platt has been on a leftist trajectory for several years. Platt, who has at many times been a staunch defender of the faith and a great expositor of the Scriptures, has sadly, as so many have, lost his focus, forgotten his first love, and embraced the gospel of social justice -- described in the words of the Apostle Paul as "another gospel."
Platt, like John Piper, has embraced a grossly unbiblical idea -- that Christians have the freedom of conscience to support whatever political candidates they want. This idea embraces the notion that politics, in general, are subjective and the positions held and policies enacted by the different parties are morally neutral and not subject to the law of God.
But this ungodly postmodern idea is contradictory to the nature of God who has set in stone his law and is unchangeable and unwavering. As Christians, we do not have the freedom to "vote our conscience." We are obligated to seek God's view and to hold to that and vote accordingly.
Despite this biblical truth, David Platt, the popular Bible teacher who hosts the annual Secret Church simulcast conference that many Southern Baptist churches take part in, has made it clear that if you openly oppose other members in his church who support Democrats, you don't belong at his church.
Comparing the horrific act of abortion -- and the Democrat position to increase and expand it at an indefinite rate -- to Donald Trump's personal immorality, Platt equates the two as morally equivalent. Platt treats Donald Trump's boasting and personal immorality as equally repugnant as the killing of innocent children. But what Platt, and the rest of the increasingly liberal pastors, fail to understand is that Donald Trump is not legislating his personal immorality into national policy. Unlike Donald Trump, the Democrats, whose political platform is to kill, steal, and destroy, want to push every iota of that down everyone's throat and make it illegal to oppose them.
And this is what David Platt supports and says if you oppose, you don't belong in his church. In a recent sermon, Platt calls on Christians to unify under a false unity, one where his church members are not of one sound mind or accord, and instead, just keep it to yourself.
Do not divide the church over political positions, convictions, or calculations that are not clear and direct in God’s word… We will not tell people to vote for this candidate or that party…I fear calling you to do something that I can not show you clearly and directly in God’s word he has called you to do…
I have full confidence calling you to oppose abortion and to defend the lives of children in the womb because God makes his work in the womb clear in Psalm 139. You cannot follow Jesus as a member of this church and advocate for abortion. (Editor’s note. This is more than we can say for JD Greear’s church, who does not abide by this maxim.)
I have full confidence to call you to promote a biblical understanding of sexuality and marriage because God makes his definitions of male and female and marriage clear in Genesis 1 and 2 and throughout the rest of the bible. You cannot follow Jesus as a member of this church and disregard God’s word in these ways.
I have full confidence in calling you to care for the oppressed, the poor, the orphan, the widow, and the sojourner, because God says these things multitudes of times to his people in his word You cannot follow Jesus as a member of this church and be calloused to the oppressed, poor, orphan, the widow, or the sojourner.And I have full confidence calling you to never affirm or overlook sexual immorality, boastful pride, vulgarity, dishonestly, name-calling, and strife -stirring in your life or others’ lives, because God has said all over his word that all of those things are deadly.
So then how do you vote? For this candidate? For that candidate? For third candidate? For no candidate? And I don’t have a verse that answers that question for you. Different, genuine followers of Jesus will therefore come to different conclusions on the answer to that question. And assuming you are applying God’s word as prayerfully and as wisely and as faithfully as you know how to your political decision, then we will not break fellowship in Christ over that decision.
Now as soon as I saw that, I realize some people think we should break fellowship in Christ over the vote. Some people think, ‘I cannot be in the same church with someone who votes for Biden.’ Other people think, ‘I cannot be in the same church with someone who votes for Trump.’
And if you think either of these things, and I say this as thoughtfully and compassionately as I know how, Mclean Bible Church may not be the right church for you. Because we are not going to divide over the vote here. And if you think we should, if you think I or other pastors in this church should promote a political candidate or party, and you think this is worth dividing the church over, then I’m sincerely sad about that, because I treasure our fellowship together in Jesus, but at the same time I’m truly happy for you to be in another church as long as that church is preaching the gospel.
David Platt via Protestia.com
You can listen to the entire sermon below: