Conservative Journalist Visits Ohio University, Gets Slaughtered, Ran off Campus By Violent Liberals
A conservative journalist and gun rights activist visits Ohio University to conduct interviews on campus where she was met with a violent onslaught of "tolerant" progressives who ran her off campus. Liberals, who claim to be against bullying -- but apparently only if you agree with them -- surrounded her launching invectives and bullied and harassed her to the point that she had to be escorted to her vehicle where she left. You can see the video below.
"This is what happens when a Trump supporter goes to a college campus," Bennet said, "Leftists at Ohio University started a riot when Joel Patrick and I showed up." Bennet complained that the Ohio University Police "let it happen," and urged Donald Trump to stop funding universities like this.
Bennet said that the Ohio University Police lied and said that no violence happened and that there were just "allegations that some unknown person splashed water."
Students at Ohio University were throwing things at me all day, dumped hot coffee on me, & vandalized Joel Patrick's truck right in front of the cops.
Of course, we all know that these tolerant liberals are the most intolerant people in the world so this really should not come as a surprise.