Christianity Today Editor Who Denounced Trump Referred to God as "Divine Drama Queen"
My late friend Vic often referred to Christianity Today as “Christianity Astray.” Indeed it is. The Drudge Report headline on December 20, 2019 was about the article written by Christianity Today editor-in-chief Mark Galli. The Christianity Today article has also been the topic on almost all liberal news outlets such as CNN.
The liberal and fake-news outlets apparently believe that by pushing the Christianity Today story they can convince conservative Christians and constitutionalists that if the Billy Graham founded magazine believes President Trump was deserving of being impeached then they might be convinced to support his actual conviction in the U.S. Senate.
Billy Graham’s son Franklin knows that Christianity Today is nothing less than a liberal rag. Secondly, most conservative Christians have also been aware of this fact for years.
However, what most Americans and Christians may not know is that back in 2010 the now editor-in-chief of Christianity Today, Mark Galli, wrote what can only be described as heretical and blasphemous. While the article was removed by Christianity Today, the place holding of the article page still exists along with a note by Galli stating that the article has been removed because apparently most Christians have missed the point of his blasphemous article.
In his December 19, 2019 article entitled “Trump Should be Removed From Office, Galli wrote that Trump’s removal “is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments.”
How ironic that Galli wants to quote the Ten Commandments. Perhaps Galli has forgotten that one of the Ten Commandments is to refrain from blaspheming the name and thus Character of God yet Galli’s 2010 article is complete blasphemy as you are about to see.
My friend T.A. McMahon wrote an article about Galli’s blaspheming of God on August 1, 2010 that is still posted on his website. McMahon quotes extensively from the Galli article that has since been removed from the website of Christianity Today. As you read this, remember this is just one more example of the liberals favorite game of projecting on to the opposition the very thing they practice themselves. In the case of Galli, he is worried about President’s Trump’s morality and lack of respect for God while Galli has a documented history of not just disrespecting God but I believe blaspheming God. Here is a portion of the article by T.A. McMahon:
All of this leads us to Christianity Today's senior managing editor, Mark Galli, and his article of July 15, 2010, titled "Divine Drama Queen," which is his characterization of the God of the Bible. We've reprinted here extensive excerpts of CT's God-demeaning/man-exalting article (albeit reluctantly, due to its wicked content) as further evidence of this "evangelical" magazine's continuing slither into the last days' apostasy. What Galli has written is CT's latest installment of corrupting the faith, generated from decades of undermining the Word of God and distorting the God of the Bible. Editor Galli makes this so obvious that what he writes needs few comments on my part. Nevertheless, his writing is in italics, and my words appear in brackets and regular type:
Gallie: I like a tranquil, even-keeled, self-controlled God. A God who doesn't fly off the handle at the least provocation. A God who lives one step above the fray. A God who has that British stiff upper lip even when disaster is looming.