Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Asks Kids If They Are Gender Fluid, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Pansexual, Etc.
Parents are upset a part of a Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools requirement for Title IX provisions, the school district is surveying students and asking them deeply inappropriate questions about their sexuality. As part of the survey, the students are asked what their "gender identity" is, and then asked about their sexuality, including gay or lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, or questioning.
School officials insist that the survey is optional but some parents are still upset that the school district is even entertaining such a ridiculous thing -- and for good reason.
CMS responded with the following statement after being questioned about the survey:
“This is the first year questions were added regarding student sexual identity. As much as the information collected is anonymous, the district is evaluating including those questions in the future. No student, teacher or classroom-level results are shared. Results are shared by grade-level for all students (no disaggregation). Only school-wide results are disaggregated by gender and race. Our team works diligently to maintain the privacy and anonymity of every respondent.”
This comes on the heels of CMS schools trying to push through a "gender unicorn" curriculum several years ago that was ultimately retracted after parental backlash. The "gender unicorn" trained teachers and students on gender identity and how to address people using their "preferred pronouns."