Charismatic "Prophet" Says Abortion Gives Demons the "Blood Right" To Carry Out Mass Shootings
"The enemy now, since the legalizing of abortion on our land, has carried out the agenda of Hell and has released and has released spirits over our land." This is what one charismatic false prophet, Hank Kunneman said on a television broadcast recently.
Of course, this is complete nonsense. While abortion is a grievous sin and an affront to the Almighty God, abortion does not cause Satan to release demons over our land. The Bible says that all who hate God love death (Proverbs 8:36). By our very fallen human nature, we are born into rebellion against God as haters of God (Romans 1:30).
This charismatic "prophet" goes on to say that abortion is the cause of mass shootings in America.
"This is why there is such a fight right now on our land. Who is going to get the blood right of the United States of America? God is wanting, through the shed blood of his son, to release his spirit with another great awakening," he continues. Of course, apparently, God is bound and cannot do what he pleases, according to Kunneman and needs our permission. "If we ... shedding innocent blood through abortion and legalizing it and voting people in, it's furthering the agenda of the demonic blood right for those spirits then to rule over our land ... and bring violence to our schools ... it's released a whole lot of Pandora's Box."
The entire diatribe is absurd and displays a lack of understanding of who God is and how He operates. God is not bound to any demonic spirits nor does God need to obtain any "blood rights" from them or us. That is blasphemy. The heinous act of abortion -- as well as mass shootings -- in America is a result of sin and God's judgment and wrath being poured out on the nation.
We hate abortion and we hate mass shootings, but we do not ascribe the acts of man's sins to demons nor subscribe to the notion that God is not sovereign.