Charismatic False Prophet, Todd White, Compares Holy Spirit to Pooping Dog
Todd White is the false teacher and faux faith-healer who is known for his parlor tricks such as leg-lengthening and other fake healings. A simple perusal of White's videos and teachings compared to Scripture easily reveals this to discerning Christians. I certainly question the genuineness of faith of people who can't see through Todd White's charlatanry.
We must understand that, according to Scripture, Todd White is a worker of iniquity. He does not care about the truth. If you are caught up with his fake healings and fake gospel, please exit the building. His lies are captivating and seductive — but his lies are from Satan and will send you to Hell for eternity.
In a recent video, we see Todd White comparing the Holy Spirit to a dog going outside to poop and then wagging its tail with excitement for being let back inside. The Scriptures compare dogs to unregenerate blasphemers and idolaters.
Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. -- Revelation 22:15
But Todd White compares them to the Holy Spirit.
Of course, for a man who says that Jesus didn't defeat Satan as God, but as a man -- and therefore, man can be like God -- it should come as no surprise that White continues to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. Todd White is a rank heretic — there are no two ways about it. Todd White not only teaches prosperity theology but is a fake faith healer who practices such parlor tricks as leg-lengthening.