Catholic Nun Says it's Racist to Put Man to Death Who Raped and Buried Teen Girl Alive
Under the leadership of Attorney General Barr, a convicted rapist who kidnapped a teenage girl, raped her, and then doused her with gasoline before burying her alive, has been put to death.
According to the AP, "Orlando Hall, 49, was pronounced dead at 11:47 p.m. ET after being given a lethal injection at the federal prison complex in Terre Haute, Indiana. In his final words, Hall invited others to Islam, thanked those who supported him and sought to reassure them, saying, “I’m OK.” After a statement was read recounting his crimes, Hall took one last opportunity to look to his supporters and say: “Take care of yourselves. Tell my kids I love them.”
Of course, leftists are outraged and have labeled this move as "racist" as the man was put to death.
A Roman Catholic nun who is widely known as Sister Helen Prejean came out in support of the rapist who murdered the teenage girl saying that "this is not Christlike behavior.”
Not that a Roman Catholic nun would know what "Christlike behavior" is anyway, it should be obvious to anyone who has ever read the Bible that the sword of justice wielded by the civil government calls on civil authorities to take an "eye for an eye."