Catholic Church Ordains "Non-Binary Transgender" Woman as "Priestess"
It's difficult to make much sense of what actually just happened here and it's also unclear just by looking as to whether this "non-binary transgender" person is actually a male or a female, but at least one report says she was born as a woman. One thing is clear, however, is that this "non-binary transgender" person is the first in the U.S. to be ordained as a priestess in the Catholic Church by the Roman Catholic Womenpriests.
Kori Pacyniak was recently ordained as a "priestess" at the Mary Magdeline Apostle Catholic Community -- a Catholic Church in San Diego, CA. She has been a member of the "pastoral" team since January of 2017 and according to her bio, received her Master of Divinity at Harvard Divinity School and is also currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Religious Studies at the University of California at Riverside, focusing on Queer and Trans Studies in Religion
And now, apparently, she's the priestess of the town.
According to one report, she's wanted to be a priest since she was 8 years old and around 100 people gathered to witness this act,
“I never dared to think that it would be possible to manage in a movement, the RCWP, and with the support of a community, Mary Magdalene, which completely affirms my identity,” Kori told the Union-Tribune, “I am very excited about future opportunities to be a pastor at the intersection of faith, sexuality, and gender.”
Now, one might wonder, doesn't this go against the Roman Catholic faith? Well, officially it does. But look at what the Roman Catholic Church has allowed people to get away with since the current pope took office. Homosexuality is rampant and Catholic idolatry and paganism has been taken to new heights. However, this event certainly marks a first. It is unclear whether this will be allowed to officially stand, but it did certainly happen.