Catholic Bishop of NY Says Excommunication Not an Option For Murderers
You may wonder why I report on apostates acting like apostates, after all, they act this way because they don’t have the gospel. But it’s necessary to continue to expose the hypocrisy and ungodliness that the Roman Catholic Church serves to perpetuate, especially because it’s such an influential institution in America.
In true Christianity, we are commanded in Scripture to excommunicate the unrepentant evildoer–that is, the ones who name the name of Christ, yet unapologetically commit grievous sins in a manner that would indicate a lack of sincerity in the faith and no response to corrective action (1 Corinthians 5:13). But, in churches that lack any semblance of biblical truth or authority, generally speaking, anything goes.
The Roman Catholic Church, historically speaking, has been notorious for excommunicating who they would deem “heretics,” which, for the most part, were actually bible-believing Christians who actually spoke out against the egregious sins of the Catholic Church and tried to promulgate biblical truths.
Apparently the tides are turning now, too, with the Roman Catholic Church’s stance on abortion, as it is not dealt with as passionately and harshly as it once was.
Daniel Burke from CNN recently reached out to the Catholic Bishop that presides over the State of New York, Cardinal Michael Dolan, and asked him about the possibility of Michael Cuomo, the governor of New York who signed the recent abortion bill allowing infanticide up until birth, and in some cases, even after birth, into law. His response: not really an option.