Campus Crusade Insider Comes Forward, Confirms Leftward Drift We've Been Reporting
A Campus Crusade (Cru) whistleblower has come forward to speak out against the massive leftward drift taking place within the once-conservative missions ministry. Scott Willis recently finished a two-year internship with Cru at the University of Florida. In this interview with our friend, Jon Harris of Conversations that Matter, Willis shares some very concerning information about what he experienced, confirming all of our previous reporting.
See also:
Now We Know Why Campus Crusade is Sliding Left, George Soros is Funding Them
How The Gospel Coalition is Behind Campus Crusade’s Normalizing of Homosexuality
Campus Crusade Leader Invites Roman Catholics and Mystics to Speak at Event
Campus Crusade For Christ Teaching Kids That It’s Okay to be Gay
CRU Chapters Partner With Campus LGBTQ Groups For “Common Causes”
Former Cru Employees Describe Working For Cru “Like Working For a Cult”
Cru VP of Global Operations Promoting New Age Little God Heresy
“No Need to Repent of Homosexuality,” Says Prominent Christian Youth Organization
Reformed Apologists Expose CRU’s False Gospel and Unbiblical “4-Ways” Evangelism Techniques
CRU Speaker Has Stadium of White People Get Up and Lament Their Skin Color