Brokeback Mountain Star, Michelle Williams Praises Her "Right to Choose" that Helped Make Her Famous
Those who still defend a woman's "right to choose" should at the very least admit that what they "choose" is to terminate the life of a child in exchange for their own selfish motives. It is clear that the pro-choice movement is about selfish ambitions, convenience, and the pursuit of personal gratification above all else. What it always ends with, however, is death.
On multiple levels, it ends in death. Not just the death of the child but the death of all those involved in the process -- including those who give approval to it (Romans 1:32). Haters of God are lovers of death -- it's what they crave (Proverbs 8:36). And, in many cases, such as the case of Brokeback Mountain actress Michelle Williams, they end up trading their life -- and the life of their child -- for the whole world.
For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?
Mark 8:36
According to an article at Mediaite, Michelle Williams at the Golden Globe Awards lauding how much her "right to choose" has helped make her rich and famous and exhorted people to "vote in their own self-interest."
When you put this in someone’s hands, you acknowledging the choices made by the actor but also the choices they made as a person, the training they sought, the hours they put in. I’m grateful for the acknowledgment of the choices I’ve made and I’m also grateful to have lived in a moment in our society where choice exists. Because as women and as girls, things can happen to our bodies that are not our choice.
I wouldn’t have been able to do this without employing a woman’s right to choose.
I know my choices might look different than yours. But thank God or whomever you pray to that we live in a country founded on the principle that I am free to live by my faith and you are free to live by yours. So, women 18 to 118, when it is time to vote please do so in your own self-interest – it’s what men have been doing for years.
It’s what men have been doing for years, which is why the world looks so much like them. But don’t forget, we are the largest voting body in this country. Let’s make it look more like us.