BREAKING: Investigation Reveals Chinese Govt-Tied Bank Has Majority Stake in Dominion Voting Systems
An investigation into the SEC filings of a Swiss bank with close connections to the Communist Chinese government has revealed that the firm that owns Dominion voting systems received $400 million from the bank prior to the U.S. elections.
“On Oct 8, 2020, Staple Street Capital filed SEC Form D offerings and sales amount of $400,000,000 with the Sales Compensation Recipient identified as UBS Securities,” states the investigation, which also notes that another payment of $200,000,000 was received in December 2014.
"UBS Securities is a Swiss investment bank which owns 24.99% of UBS Securities Co LTD, a Chinese Investment Bank. The remaining 75% of UBS Securities CO LTD is owned by the Chinese government."
The recipient of the $400 million in stock, according to the SEC filings, as UBS Securities LLC located in New York City. UBS Securities LLC is a subsidiary of the Chinese-owned UBS Securities Co. LTD.
The ownership of UBS Securities Co. LTD is broken down as follows:
Beijing Guoxiang (33%)
UBS (24.99%)
Guangdong Comm. Group [zh] (14.01%)
China Guodian (14%)
COFCO Group (14%)
The other four owners of UBS Securities are all Chinese government front groups, including Beijing Guoxiang, a state-owned asset, Guangdong Comm. Group, a 100% stakeholder is the Guangdong Provincial Government, China Guodian, a state-owned enterprise administered for the SASAC for the state Council, and COFCO Group, a state-owned enterprise under the direct supervision of the SASAC.
"Staple Street Capital LLC on Oct 5, 2020, filed a public stock offering with the SEC with the broker UBS Securities," said Alan Tomalty, "a Chinese Communist company with connection to UBS Switzerland as part investors. Staple Street Capital have controlling interest in Dominion Voting Systems."

American citizens need to be asking the question; why is the Chinese Communist Party so deeply involved in U.S. elections? And more importantly, why are our corrupt politicians allowing it to happen?