The social justice movement is why Christians can't have anything nice—like being pro-life, for example. Being pro-life used to be about standing for biblical justice when it comes to defending the right to life. It used to be about standing for the millions of innocent children who are being slaughtered in the womb around the world on the altar of convenience. It used to be about giving a voice to the most vulnerable of God's creation—the unborn—who have no choice in whether or not they will live or die in this God-forsaken culture.
The pro-life movement used to be a light of God's mercy in the midst of a dark and dying world.
Now, as with all Godly things, it has been overtaken by the progressives, defiled and redefined into something completely different. Marriage has been redefined to include homosexuals who sodomize each other. Complementarianism has been redefined to now mean egalitarianism, except we have to call it complementarianism. And the pro-life movement has been redefined to mean social activism for progressive causes.
The Gospel Coalition and the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) along with Southern Baptist Seminaries are leading the charge to dismantle biblical thinking when it comes to gospel-centered movements such as pro-life. Two of the most notable provocateurs are Russell Moore of the ERLC and Thabiti Anyabwile, a protégé of Mark Dever and 9Marks.