As Salt Lake City Ravaged by Earthquake, Are We Seeing Luke 21:11 Played Out Right Before Our Eyes?
The world is already facing the most drastic health epidemic the world has seen in centuries with the coronavirus outbreak, but are we seeing Bible prophecy played out right before our eyes? Just a couple of hours ago, the Salt Lake City area was hit with a 5.7 magnitude earthquake. Thousands are without power and the coronavirus hot-line is down as they're already trying to battle the disease.
"There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven." -- Luke 21:11
While the prophecies in the Scriptures do point to events that have happened and will happen in the future, should we, as Christians be concerned with this?
But not in the same way others are. For God has not given us a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, according to Romans 8, but he has given us a spirit of adoption as sons. We should not fear the signs that God has given us but receive them with joy. But, on the other hand, it should create a sense of urgency within us to see that the world hears the good news.
Can we count how many people have died in these events over the last few weeks who have faced the judgment and wrath of God? Countless. Most likely, most of them. But we're hunkered down in our safe zones and cowering. I'll admit, I'm one of them. But we should not fear. We should not be stupid, and we should not break the law. But we should be trying to reach as many people with the gospel as we can.