As Leftist Groups Push for Less School Choice, Over Half of NC Students Fail Exams
Leftists groups like Carolina Forward along with public school advocacy groups in North Carolina continue to relentlessly push for less choice in schools as they defend a continued teacher strike against teaching in-person.
Carolina Forward, a progressive--anti-Christian, anti-family hate group that promotes political candidates hell-bent on silencing minority Christian voices in the public square--is calling on the state legislature to back off funding of charter schools.
In North Carolina, Charter schools and private schools, which are both privately operated (while charter schools are publicly funded) have both largely returned to in-person teaching compared to the public school system. To date, there has been little, if any, evidence that these re-openings have served to advance the spread of COVID-19.
Yet, leftist groups continue to perpetuate this lie and use it as an excuse to keep children out of a positive learning environment while teachers continue to receive pay from taxpayers as parents are out of work.
Nevermind that grocery store employees, gas station clerks, police officers, and the vast majority of the work-force is required to work for a living, therefore, must actually show up for work. Leftists are too dense to grasp that their own logic requires these professions to shut down as well. Take their access to abortion away and see what happens.
And while these leftists continue to push for their lunacy disguised as "caring for the unvaccinated vulnerable," our kids continue to suffer. According to a recent report, more than half of the state's children are failing their classes.
The News & Observer reports that in Math 1, 66.4% of test-takers were not proficient compared to 48.2% during the fall 2019-20 semester. In Math 3, 54.9% of students were not proficient on the test compared to 44.5% the prior fall semester. And in biology, 54.5% of students were not proficient compared to 42.1% the prior fall. In English, levels remained around the same.
This is by far the worst the state has seen in fall exams in a long time. Yet, this is what the left wants. Interestingly, it's the most vulnerable among the minority demographics--the ones these leftists claim to support--that suffer the most under these idiotic policies.
Leftists do not have the best interest of the public at heart. They only serve themselves and the special interest groups they represent. In this case, it isn't the students or the families in NC.