As Drive-in Church Services are Being Raided by Police, Mosques Continuing to Hold Services Glorified by Media
As churches around the nation are doing everything they can to follow the guidelines set by the CDC and the government for social distancing and best practices amid the coronavirus pandemic, the media has been nonstop harassing these worshipers for practicing their first amendment right to express their religion.
Churches are being harassed by police for holding drive-in services and citing them for not following social distancing orders, despite the fact they never even get out of their cars. Leftists are pouring nails into the parking lots churches trying to keep them home -- interestingly, they had to leave home to do that. And a Louisiana pastor was charged with six misdemeanors for holding worship services. And still, others are being arrested and detained for peacefully assembling, following all social distancing guidelines, for praying outside of abortion clinics.
Yet, the media has been silent on Islamic mosques that continue to hold services and obviously not following the social distancing guidelines. Not sure what wrapping the inside of the building in plastic is supposed to accomplish, but to put your face on a floor where other people have put their face seems far more dangerous than staying in your car out in a parking lot. Yet, the New York media glorifies this. Double standard? Obviously.